Scooter Talk
- Lyft, Bird, Lime, Spin, Jump, Veoride
Cold Take
- Coldplay is a fine band and a lot of their songs are Good and Meaningful
- Yellow
- Fix You
- The Scientist
- Talk
- Why do people hate Coldplay?
- SOmethign something recent coldplay
Contempt vs. Solidarity
- “What I’ve Learned From People Whose Loved Ones Were Transformed by Fox News” NY Mag
- Q:// How do you effectively pull loved ones away from this kind of thing?
- Q:// Is there a way to counteract this using similar tactics?
- Q:// How might we see similar things taking place among our generation? How can we recognize it and avoid it before it becomes a similar behemoth?
- Q:// Latent racism does explain why certain groups were so vulnerable to fox’s graft, but do any other factors explain it? What about financial instability? What about widespread corruption? Could addressing those issues have mitigated fox’s power?
- Refuse to do to Zoomers what Boomers did to Millennials
If you’re in debt, you don’t deserve a vacation
- Any time I bristle at somebody “having it easy” or being “spoiled” I stop and ask myself, “is this actually just a decent and good thing for them that I’m only upset about because I’ve internalized a rationalization of late capitalisms awfulness by telling myself it was, basically, vitamins for character that was good for me?”
- The One Collar Movement
Anyone following the labor movement today could be forgiven for thinking it’s one-dimensional. The museums are unionizing. The academics are unionizing. The media is unionizing. The political workers and nonprofit workers and tech workers are unionizing. Has organized labor become white collar? Not at all. We all wear the same collar. It’s called CAPITALISM.