Way Too Seriously is a weekly podcast in which Jan and Paul Moffett talk about the implicit biases, the assumptions, and the thematic implications of kids’ movies with exactly the appropriate level of seriousness.
In this Halloween-adjacent episode of WTS Paul and Jan talk about Paranorman. Our conversation touches on the Bechdel Test and the Smurfette Principle (again!), the relationship of bullying to zombieism, and what speaking to the dead has to do with being gay.
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If you like us or if you want more, please support us on Patreon!
We would love to hear your thoughts about Paranorman, or any of the movies we’ve taken Way Too Seriously! Get in touch with us on Twitter, and tell us every one of your feelings. Or send us an email at waytooseriouslycast at gmail.com if you’d like to say it more privately. You can also discuss this episode in our subreddit. We’ll be reading and responding to some listener responses in a mailbag episode soon, so if you’d like to hear us read your comments about this or any of our episodes on the podcast, send them in soon!
Want to know what’s coming up at WTS? We’ve got a schedule planned until the end of the year, and you can check it out!