⏰ Clockworks on Goodstuff

More new Goodstuff news! We’ve got a brand new show premiering this week on Goodstuff - Clockworks is a podcast that is discussing the new FX show Legion:


Show Description

Dan Stevens stars as David Haller, a mutant diagnosed with schizophrenia at a young age. He is the son of Professor Charles Xavier and Gabrielle Haller. The series received critical acclaim, with praise going to the cast, particularly Stevens, Hawley’s visuals and design, and the nonlinear, unreliable nature of the storytelling.

Hosts Jan and Paul will take you on an episode by episode journey into the depths of Legion and help guide you along the nonlinear path of the series - which was recently renewed for a second season!

Since Jan and Paul are new to Goodstuff, we thought we’d do a bit of an introduction by asking them a few questions:

Who are you?

I’m Paul Moffett: lifelong comics fan, and recent PhD in medieval literature. I spend my days teaching English literature at university, and my nights watching television that is often but not always about superheroes.

…and I’m Jan Moffett. I’m devoted to stories in all their forms: television, movies, books and comics. I love stories so much that I surround myself with them all day every day in my job at the public library. I’m also a writer and I run a fiction website called Widdershire with a couple of my friends.

What made you want to do a Legion podcast?

We have been talking about doing a podcast together for awhile. We both like talking, and we like talking to each other. When we saw the first episode of Legion we loved it but didn’t understand it. A podcast was an opportunity to talk about the show lots more, and maybe try to figure some stuff out!

What can we look forward to hearing on Clockworks?

On Clockworks you’ll hear our thoughts about Legion. We’ll pay attention to details and try to make some sense of what we’re seeing.

Where did you get the intro music for Clockworks?

The intro/outro music for Clockworks is written by me, Paul, and also performed by me on my ukulele and my violin, accompanied by a metronome. Fun fact: I also recorded a guitar track, but it sounded terrible.

What other podcasts do you listen to (don’t have to be on Goodstuff!)?

Paul: I’m a podcast junkie. I listen to several podcasts from CBC radio, including The House and Because News, and a few podcasts from NPR, including Wait Wait … Don’t Tell Me, Ask Me AnotherThe NPR Politics Podcast, and This American Life. I also listen to most Canadaland podcasts. Then there’s Judge John Hodgman, Dusted, a Buffy the Vampire Slayer podcast, and Fathoms Deep, a Black Sails podcast. Oh, and I listen to Godpod and The Liturgists. And of course there’s No Such Thing as a Fish, a fact podcast from the researchers behind the BBC show QI. And naturally I listen to Daily(ish). Is that … is that too many? That’s too many, isn’t it.

(Editor: We would never make anyone feel shame for listening to too many podcasts around here.)

Jan: Likewise, I’ve always got a podcast in my ears. I listen to all the podcasts from Common Room Radio and Storywonk networks, as well as a few CBC ones and Grownups Read Things They Wrote as Kids, I’m especially enjoying Read Brave Comics lately. And I listen to Daily(ish) and Lost and Lemon if it ever comes back!

Thanks Jan and Paul! Now go subscribe and listen to Clockworks - 2 episodes of the podcasts are ready and waiting for you wherever you happen to listen to podcasts:

How to Subscribe to Clockworks:

Be sure to follow the show and/or hosts on Twitter:

I’m sure it’s a complete coincidence that the day we launch a Legion podcast, it’s announced that Legion was renewed for a second season but clearly it can’t hurt. Call us Hollywood!

And of course you can follow Goodstuff on Twitter at @goodstufffm or like us on Facebook